Rehab Treadmills

Posted by Total Rehab Solutions on

Treadmills were developed to allow individuals to get a workout either running or walking in an indoor environment.  Many offer multiple programs to create a variety of workout formats that fit in with each individuals fitness goals.  In the Rehab setting though treadmills are used a bit differently.  Sure, they can still be used for cardio conditioning but in many instances like; post surgery, post injury, or post neurological event they are used to help regaining proper gait, movement and balance.  
Because of these special applications it is extremely important that a treadmill chosen for the Rehab setting have several key features available.  Some of these include; low step up height, slow starting speed, medical handrails for balance, stability & safety, good shock absorption which is necessary for post surgical patients and optional reverse belt function which is great for balance and proprioceptive training.  Landice and Sportsart make a series of treadmills that meet these requirements and offer scalable options to meet each clinics needs and budgets.

Rehab Treadmills

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