SciFit Rehabilitation Equipment

SCIFIT has been a trusted name in rehabilitation and cardio exercise equipment for over 25 years, serving hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and therapy clinics worldwide. SCIFIT's comprehensive range of physical rehab and cardio exercise equipment and programs caters to clinicians' needs, helping them maintain and restore maximum movement, function, and cardiovascular health for their patients.

SCIFIT's rehabilitation equipment is user-friendly, safe, comfortable, and medically accurate, aligning with the high-quality care clinicians provide. SCIFIT offers a variety of rehab products, focusing on upper body, lower body, and total body movements. This versatility makes SCIFIT the preferred choice for physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, and medical exercise specialists.

When it comes to cardio exercise equipment, SCIFIT excels, promoting fitness and cardiovascular health. Choose SCIFIT for reliable solutions that empower clinicians and patients alike in their pursuit of better health, well-being, and optimal recovery.

Scifit Pro2 All Body Ergometer

Scifit Pro2 All Body Ergometer

Regular price $6,467.00
Scifit StepOne™ | Recumbent Stepper

Scifit StepOne™ | Recumbent Stepper

Regular price $6,910.00
Scifit Pro 1000 Upper Body Ergometer

Scifit Pro 1000 Upper Body Ergometer

Regular price $5,643.00
Scifit Pro1 Upper Body Ergometer

Scifit Pro1 Upper Body Ergometer

Regular price $6,261.00

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