Landice Rehabilitation Equipment

Landice has solidified its position as a leader in the field of rehabilitation fitness equipment through a history of unparalleled excellence. With a commitment to durability, cutting-edge technology, and user-friendly design, Landice has consistently delivered treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes that are second to none in terms of quality and performance.

In the realm of rehabilitation, Landice's line of equipment stands out for its exceptional functional usage and unwavering reliability. Whether it's the unique reversing treadmills or the zero-impact ellipticals, Landice's rehabilitation equipment offers a diverse range of solutions to assist patients in their recovery and rejuvenation journeys. With Landice, patients and healthcare professionals alike can trust in the durability and innovation that have become synonymous with the brand, ensuring a seamless and effective rehabilitation experience.

Landice L10 Club Treadmill-Heavy Duty

Landice L10 Club Treadmill-Heavy Duty

Regular price $5,999.00
Landice R9-90 Recumbent Bike

Landice R9-90 Recumbent Bike

Regular price $4,299.00
Landice U9-90 Upright Bike

Landice U9-90 Upright Bike

Regular price $3,899.00
Landice E9-90 Cardio Elliptical

Landice E9-90 Cardio Elliptical

Regular price $4,699.00
Landice L7-90 Rehab Treadmill

Landice L7-90 Rehab Treadmill

Regular price $5,099.00
Landice L8-90 Rehab Treadmill (RTM)

Landice L8-90 Rehab Treadmill (RTM)

Regular price $6,299.00

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