Norco  Shoulder Pulley

Norco Shoulder Pulley

  • $17.95
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Everything needed to perform range of motion exercises at home. Norco™ Shoulder Pulley is ideal for home use, to independently improve range of shoulder movement and coordination following shoulder injury, or surgery. Can be used for exercises while seated, standing, or lying down. Sets up in minutes by positioning the web strap over the top along the hinged side of any standard door. Pre-assembled and ready to use, the shoulder pulley includes: exercise booklet with step-by-step instructions and photos, non-slip web door strap, 6-1/2 ft. (2 m) cord, pulley mechanism and ergonomically designed handles for comfort and effectiveness. The webbing anchor fits snugly between the door and frame and will not scratch surfaces. For optimal attachment to door, use the Norco™ Universal Door Bracket (sold separately). Not made with natural rubber latex.

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