
RehabPro is your go-to source for top-quality rehabilitation equipment, including the renowned RehabPro Pulleys and RehabPro Benches. RehabPro's expertise lies in designing, manufacturing, and delivering exercise and physical therapy equipment tailored to meet patients at their unique functional levels.

Discover the excellence of RehabPro rehabilitation equipment, crafted with a focus on safety, functionality, and ease of maintenance. RehabPro has a commitment to patient well-being which shines through in every product they offer.

Explore the versatility and effectiveness of RehabPro exercise pulleys and functional trainers. These tools are designed to empower patients, fostering independence and promoting optimal recovery. They are particularly well-suited for use in: hospitals, long term care facilities, physical therapy clinics and outpatient clinics seeking to provide comprehensive and effective care. Elevate your rehabilitation practice with RehabPro's trusted equipment solutions.

RehabPro Mobile Pulley 30 lbs

RehabPro Mobile Pulley 30 lbs

Regular price $2,495.00
RehabPro Standard Four-Sided Module

RehabPro Standard Four-Sided Module

Regular price $995.00
RehabPro Multi Angle Bench

RehabPro Multi Angle Bench

Regular price $2,195.00
RehabPro 3-Section Bench

RehabPro 3-Section Bench

Regular price $1,295.00
RehabPro 6:1 Free-Standing 100 lbs Speed Pulley

RehabPro 6:1 Free-Standing 100 lbs Speed Pulley

Regular price $3,795.00

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