Splinting Materials & Bracing

Quality North Coast Brand Splinting Thermoplastic Sheets, Strapping, Hook & Loop along with many orthopedic supports and braces including the renowned Comfort Cool line of products.

Comfort-Cool  Open Elbow Support

Comfort-Cool Open Elbow Support

Regular price $18.95
Comfort-Cool  Thumb CMC Abduction Splint- BLACK

Comfort-Cool Thumb CMC Abduction Splint- BLACK

Regular price $39.95
Comfort-Cool  Thumb CMC Restriction Splint- BLACK

Comfort-Cool Thumb CMC Restriction Splint- BLACK

Regular price $32.95
Comfort-Cool  Ulnar Booster Splint

Comfort-Cool Ulnar Booster Splint

Regular price $32.95
Comfort-Cool  Ulnar Nerve Elbow Protector with Gel Pad

Comfort-Cool Ulnar Nerve Elbow Protector with Gel Pad

Regular price $69.95
Comfort-Cool  Wide Wrist Wrap

Comfort-Cool Wide Wrist Wrap

Regular price $16.95
Comfort-Cool  Wrist and Thumb CMC Restriction Splint

Comfort-Cool Wrist and Thumb CMC Restriction Splint

Regular price $37.95
Comfort-Cool Thumb CMC Restriction Splint  BEIGE

Comfort-Cool Thumb CMC Restriction Splint BEIGE

Regular price $32.95
Comfort-Cool Thumb Spica Splint

Comfort-Cool Thumb Spica Splint

Regular price $19.95
CushionStrap Loop  Beige, 1 in. x 20 yd.

CushionStrap Loop Beige, 1 in. x 20 yd.

Regular price $25.95
CushionStrap Loop  Beige, 2 in. x 20 yd.

CushionStrap Loop Beige, 2 in. x 20 yd.

Regular price $43.95
CushionStrap Loop  White, 1 in. x 20 yd.

CushionStrap Loop White, 1 in. x 20 yd.

Regular price $26.95

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